Dear Rich, Our love to you! We hope you are doing well and enjoying the warmer weather. We have been out of touch for a while and want to see if you can put the new June retreat information, that is coming up soon, on our web site. Let us know if you received this e-mail. We very much appreciate you doing this for us every year! Here are the changes: ^1) Under womens retreats and heading of : womens spirituality retreats , ***Take away : Living mysteriously etc. ...... ***Change to: "Riding on Sarasvati's Swan, Ecstasy of our heART's Expression. " 24th Annual Women's Spirituality Retreat at Hearthaven / Ananda Hrdaya Mata June 19- 23 2019 . *** Change date of Dauphin ISland Retreat : 16th annual ........... March 9-16 2020. ^2) Under women's spirituality retreats , change : ***The Goddess we call in this year is Sarasvati . 24th annual Womens's Spirituality Retreat June 19 to 23 2019 ^3) Take out old flyer of Bast and replace with flyer of Sarasvati , attached below. ^4) Keep : Every year we choose ........... ^5) Put photo, attached below with following text: "Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops; who is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus; who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me. May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance." Saraswati, the name, comes from the words 'Saras' meaning the essence, and 'Wati' meaning the embodiment of, thus Saraswati is the embodiment of the essence of things. She is the Goddess of learning. She is associated with the mythical river, the Saraswati. With respect to her association with the mythical river Saraswati, she is also associated with Sushumna the central nadi in the spine, the one that embodies Sattwa, pure Truth.Saraswati is said to be the inspirer of learned and wise people and is invoked before discussions on the nature of Truth. She is a muse, an inspiration. She is the archetypal representation of wise creative language, for it is through words that we most often try to express our deepest Truths. She is the patron of the arts and music and eloquence. She represents wisdom that is not dependent upon academic learning. Women who embody the Saraswati archetype are often students of the healing arts, as well as artists and poets. They are intuitive healers and non-conformists. She inspires those who pursue the spiritual path and who are not satisfied till they reach the ultimate Truth. This Saraswati embodied woman does not live a traditional life.Her form is usually depicted as white, the light of knowledge over ignorance. She is to shine with the brilliance of the moon. The white represents her high, noble mind, which has disavowed materialism. She holds a book, representing studied knowledge, and a Mala or prayer beads representing spiritual practice. She plays a Veena, representing her love of the arts in all forms, and Music/Sound as the source of all emanation. Her love of music and poetry also represents a balance between the wisdom of the mind and the emotions of the heart, a place for both, the rational and the inspired. Her symbolic animal is the Swan (Hamsa in Sanskrit). In the Vedic system those who have attained enlightenment are called Paramahamsas (Great Swans) ^6) Take out all photos of Bast and replace with Sarasvati : See below ^7) Put photos of swans and the following text:( I will send those photos in an additional letter) Exploring the Depths of Swan Meaning The swan is symbolism of motherhood . They are also symbolic of love, devotion and partnership. Swans mate for many years, sometimes for life.They are waterfowl, closely connected with water, even nesting near the water. Water is symbolic of: Fluidity, Intuition, Dreaming, Emotions, Creativity. In this respect, we can intuit the swan’s appearance in our lives as an arrow pointing to our dreamier depths and feelings. We get the sense of balance from swan meaning as it lives harmoniously amongst three of the four elements. Grounding herself on earth, lofting to great heights in the air, and winding through waters with magnificent elegance. Swan Meaning and Swan Symbolism Keywords Love Grace Union Purity Beauty Dreams Balance Elegance Partnership Transformation Enlightenment Motherhood Self Realization ^8) Keep :Retreat Fee :Sliding Fee ................. Let me know if you received the last and this email.xxxx ^1) Under Circle Mother Webinar series: Change the dates to: *** Phase one :November 2 2019 *** Phase two : Spring / Fall 2020 ^2) Take out the 2 flyers and replace with the ones attached.