

Here at Hearthaven/Ananda Hrdaya Mata, out of  inner guidance and inspiration we were called to make a Sanctuary for the Divine Mother energy. A safe and sacred space was created for the teachings of the Divine Mother to emerge.

Out of this amazing process, a spiritual Mother Ministry is evolving, opening the way for the embodiment of Her presence and spiritual qualities in ourselves and in the world.

The Ministerial Training to become a Spiritual Mother Acarya, Minister and Meditation Teacher is a spiritual Apprenticeship that is individualized for each person who feels called to become a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Mother. Acarya means she or he who teaches by example.

The program is done in a small group or individually.

Over a period of 2 to 3 years there will be 4 to 5 sessions of one to two weeks, depending on the prior experience of each person.

These sessions are done at Ananda Hrdaya Mata (Hearthaven) or if  needed can be done at another location.

In between the sessions there will be  individual guidance, study time and personal growth so a gradual personal integration can happen within the individual.

Ministers Shivanii and Madhurii Ma

Oh Divine Mother,
my Heart belongs to You.
And Flowers of Devotion
I offer at Your blue Lotus Feet.
Oh divine Mother,
you are deeper than the Sea,
More golden than the shimmering Sun
as it sets behind the Ocean at Night.
My Soul it rests
in Your warm Bosom,
as I dream of the Bliss to come, 
When every Soul ever born realizes your Love.