Progressive Women's Spiritual Council (PWSC) offers service programs for women. The Spiritual Council creates SANCTUARIES and holds safe spaces, physical and spiritual, for women to heal, re-discover and re-align themselves with their own ways of experiencing spirituality and to recover from the effects of not listening to their own biological, emotional and spiritual nature. One of these santuaries was created at the heartquarters of PWSC in WIllow Springs, Missouri and is called Hearthaven.

Hearthaven is known as a safe haven for women who need a place to be. A safe, nurturing, supportive and spiritual environment is offered, where each woman can heal and re-group, when going through a challenging transition in her life and where she can gain the insight, strength and inspiration to create a real and inner foundation in herself, which reflects her true potential and nature.

These services are given on a temporary basis, one at a time, for a weekend, a week or a month depending on space available and other programs happening at the Center.

Some of the women who have come to Hearthaven were recovering from breast cancer or other health issues, sexual abuse, divorce, menopause, and other big life changes.

Heartheaven offers a combination of massage therapy, healing touch, reiki, crystal healing, healthy vegetarian meals, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), meditation, yoga, walks in nature and more. These services are offered by the Spiritual Mother Ministers at Hearthaven and the local women's circle of PWSC.

DONATIONS of any amount for this program are gratefully received by PWSC.

Donate online through our secure Paypal server (a small processing fee will be added):

Or send your check to:

PWSC/Women With Wings
1429 CR 5710
Willow Springs, MO 65793

ALSO, you can become a sponsor for this program of women in transition by sending
a monthly or annual donation. Please send your check to:

PWSC/Women With Wings
1429 CR 5710
Willow Springs, MO 65793

ruby lowe

Ruby Lowe owned the land where Hearthaven and PWSC
are located. She raised 12 children by herself after
her husband passed away. She was known as Mom and many
people and children in this area used to come to
her and be fed and listened to. She worked for the
Conservation Department for many years. She was an
example of a woman with wings, an inspiration of a woman
in transition who while facing her life's challenges,
was also of service to others at the same time. We feel
blessed to follow her footsteps.