Blooming Lotus Creations
Poetry Book: Mother Divine, You Are Mine

These poems were written over a period of 15 years in my own proccess of transformation and embodiment of the Divine Mother within me.
It has been one of the most challenging and sweetest journeys of my life, learning that my strength and the source of my power as a woman comes from the genuine and organic Love in my spiritual Mother's Heart and of my innate spiritual feminine qualities.
Below are some excerpts. Slowly read and feel the poems, one at a time, and let their energy flow into your being ...
New Blossom
The Mother Child Relation
The Heart of the Lotus Flower
In My Cosmic Womb
A Young Maiden
The Here and Now
H-om-e Her Very Own
The Cosmic Egg
My Beloved Is in All Directions
Sweet Peace
The book has 120 poems on full color pages. It is hand made by Madhurii Ma and bound with a spiral.
Price of Poetry Book: $35.00
Intuitive Spirit Paintings
Personal Spirit Paintings are made for you from intuitive inner guidance about your spiritual and all around journey at this time in your life.
They are made with colored beeswax in a technique that is called Encaustic Painting.
The Spirit painting is made with melting colored beeswax , which has a life of its own and is a great medium for allowing spiritual guidance and messages to come through in the form of colors, symbols and shapes. The colors each have a unique vibration and meaning, which you can feel.
The colors reflect the colors in your aura and by looking at and meditating with the painting, you are being guided deep into your Spirit Self and receive blessings, encouragement and guidance.
Over time you will start seeing more symbols and messages yourself in your painting. Here are some examples:
I am The Mother Goddess, Within the Lotus in Bloom,
Whole in My Self -
I am Mother Mary, holding my inner baby within the
womb of creation -
My Spirit is flying into the Light like an angel of Love
I am the Mother of all,tenderly embracing you with
wings of unconditional Love -
Dolphin Mother
Island Bliss
Moon Dolphins
Ocean Drum
The Spirit Paintings are made by A. Madhurii Ma, who took classes and training in the encaustic beeswax painting technique in Holland and was originally inspired by Anja Wolterink, who introduced her to Spirit Paintings.
You can order a personal Spirit Painting by contacting Madhurii Ma at:
Your personal Spirit Painting includes an Intuitive Reading, the Painting itself framed in wood and explanations about the symbols , shapes and colors in your Painting.
Fee: $65.00 plus s/h.
Women's Spiritual Healing Cards
All over the world the Divine Mother and Feminine is emerging from within our Spirit, Heart and Body.
She brings back the nurturing, healing, connecting and practical qualities of the Devine Feminine into
the world and spirituality. These cards are affirmations and meditations to help us open up to this
process of Devine Feminine embodiment in ourselves. Proceeds of these cards are donated to
programs and projects with this purpose. They are hand drawn by A. Madhuri Ma. (click on a card
for a larger image)
Woman of Tender Open Heart
The Little Girl Within Me
Mother of All
A Women's Body
A Woman's Voice
Inner Self
Woman of Feeling
Inner Goddess
Flower Blooming
A Woman Has a Dream
Back of Cards
Cards are $3.50 apiece or $35.00 for the entire set of 11 cards.
The whole set in a decorated cloth bag is $45.00.
Ocean Drums
Listen to the sound of the ocean as she comes ashore and reminds you of your deep Self, the
Mother of creation and the joy of your Oneness with Nature.

Each Ocean Drum is lovingly made of a Winnowing basket from the Philippines, lined and
covered with thick hardened cloth,and filled with plant and herbal seeds.
When you move the drum in slow circle, you hear the oceanwater and the small shells and
stones in the surf as they hit the beach.
Each drum is lovingly made by us and hand painted with Ocean and Goddess themes.
Drums can be used with massage or healing . The sound of the ocean relaxes,energizes,
inspires your body and mind.
Small size (12 in.): $49.00 Large size (20 in.): $79.00 plus shipping.
($5.00 of this will go as a donation towards Dauphin Island Shell mounds preservation fund.)
* We can send you materials to make your own ocean drum ($65.00 plus shipping).
* Classes are available for a small group to make your own ocean drum. From 10.00 AM till 4.00 PM.
(Costs: $75.00 pp.)
Spiritual Music CDs

Music CD by The Sweet-Hearts of Heart Haven
Listen to "Out of the Ancient Mists"
Words and music by A. Madhurii Ma
Listen to "There's an Old Familiar Story"
Words and music by Shivanii Ma

"Finding the Divine" CD by Elaine Benson
Listen to "OM Mani Padme Hum"
Words and music by Shivanii Ma
Music by Clara Oman
Flower Remedies & Salves
Contact us for more information on the products below:
The Mother's Essences
Flower Remedies made and received from flowers grown in the garden
of Hearthaven Ananda Hrdaya Mata.
Aromatherapy Salves